21/01/2013 |
i have been growing thisadplant for over 24a0years, and at 52 desergs north lat, ia0find aa0difadferadence then the oriadginal 16 degrees north lat ia0oriadginadally started growing at, ia0have over 112 trials spanding 12a0years, and in many difadferent erra and climes. Ia0have even gorwn in southadernhemispere, ia0find this plant proadduces diferent trengths at the same volume, at difadferent climes, but never found the soil or other medium to be aa0big difadferadence only in small details ph,a0etc.themain way to get the oriadginal strength of the plant is to grow out the clones you have for 5a0years, ia0did 12a0years, then began my trials, then the last 12a0years trials even ending this year prove that 16 degrees north latidue grows aa0stronger more potent plant rather then aa056 degree north lat plant gown in soil. again if you double the volume, you will still get the same effects. Ia0also find the internet provides the most harsh ways of reduadcing the extract, using zippo lighter fluid you never need that to do the job, if you have had botany and chemadistry and biology, gime aa0break, you would likly kill youradself cooking zippo fluid and whatever other soluadtion they put in the days reciepe. Ia0will advise Ia0have only seen the plant flower twoice on two seperate plants in two seperate hemisperes in 24a0years, one was white and one was violet or lilac colour in aa0stalk like fashion, ia0have aa0mother that is 10a0years old and has produce more clones then any othaderadplant Ia0am conadtinuadally growing, Ia0grow every day over 50 new plants, and harvast over 500a0pounds aa0year of leaves, these are all from frankly difadferent locadaadtions around the world, with difadferent propaderadties. Ia0hope you find this helpfulgeheim